Thank You To Our Film Makers

As an advertising agency we often rely on our partner companies to deliver our strategic and creative vision for our clients. Every year highly professional film production companies, CGI experts and photographic businesses assist us in bringing our vision to life and telling our stories.
These hard working, experienced and dedicated professionals work with a myriad of award-winning LAW creative art directors to bring our ideas to life. We work in extreme environments such as Canada in winter, the subarctic outreaches of northern Sweden or the humidity of Shanghai. As well of course as completing countless less locational and studio shoots elsewhere.
Brilliant companies like Spectrecom in London, who we have partnered with for many years, the very excellent Sixty Seven Pictures in Germany and our friend and partner Darren Paul Photography, all consistently deliver great work. We are grateful for all of your dedication and delivery. And to the guys that we got out of their beds at 2am in Sweden to go back out into the snow after completing a ten-hour day to shoot the Northern Lights, we thank you (film below). Even if we do feel a little guilty!
Shot on location for TRW Automotive Aftermarket. True Originals series. Gold and Silver Winners 2017 AutoVision Otto Awards at the Frankfurt Motorshow.
If your company is looking for film and photography call us. Whatever your brief we will always do our upmost to ensure that we exceed your expectations whatever lengths we need to go to achieve that. We can assist you with strategic planning, creative, storyboarding, copy, art direction, film, photography, editing and delivery. And it doesn’t stop there. One recent series of LAW Creative films have been marketed and seen by an audience of well over 6 million people. For fully integrated marketing communications please contact or